This event is for members only. If you are NOT a member, please register for a membership via the Constructionline website.

Get the latest updates and insights

When: On-demand

Online Virtual Conference

Time: Any time

Through a series of live and on-demand sessions hosted by our industry professionals and platform experts, Constructionline LIVE will provide you with valuable information to keep you up-to-date on the latest trends in the construction sector and developments on the Constructionline platform.

Stay ahead with latest trends during live and on-demand sessions
Discover insights from our platform and industry professionals
Exclusive access for a limited time, available to memebers only

On-demand Webinars

Available on-demand

Overview of the Building Safety Act

Speaker 1

Available on-demand

Deep Dive into the Secondary Legislation

Speaker 2

Available on-demand

General Compliance Competency - Insights on the upcoming BSA Radar

Speaker 3

Available on-demand

Overview of who we are and key benefits of using the platform

Speaker 4

Available on-demand

Builders' Conference Round up of 2023

Speaker 5

Available on-demand

The Supply Chain Sustainability School - Developing a Sustainability Strategy

Speaker 6

Available on-demand

How to Win New Work with Constructionline

Speaker 7

Available on-demand

How to Source New Quality Suppliers

Speaker 8

Available on-demand

Re-cap of the Buyer Features Released in 2023

Available on-demand

Overview of the New Platform Dashboard and Organisation Logo Upload

Available on-demand

Upcoming in 2024: Be the first to see the New Manage Compliance feature.

Available on-demand

Top Tip to Getting Verified First Time

Speaker 10

Available on-demand

The Social Value Goal and Supporting Social Enterprises

Speaker 11

Available on-demand

The Supply Chain Sustainability School - Due diligence in combatting modern slavery through supply chains

Speaker 9

Available on-demand

Overview of SSIP

Speaker 12

Available on-demand

Overview of Acclaim Including DTS

Speaker 13

Available on-demand

Getting Approved First Time and Live Q&A

Speaker 14

Available On Demand

Overview of the Platform From a Supplier's Point of View

Available On Demand

Demo of Builder's Conference Analytics

Available On Demand

Demo of Risk Radar and Analytics

Available On Demand

Demo of Marketplace Track

Available On Demand

Demo of Supply Chain

Available On Demand

The Social Value Goal and Supporting Social Enterprises

Available On Demand

Demo of Marketplace Find: Builders' Conference Opportunities

Available On Demand

Re-cap of New Features in 2023 for Buyers with Private Goals

Frequently Asked questions

We encourage anyone who may find any sessions valuable to attend. For example, If your role is business development, you may find any sessions within the ‘How to Win New Work’ auditorium useful, or if you manage your compliance within your business, the ‘Securing and Maintaining Your Membership Verification’ auditorium will be most useful.
If you have completed the registration form to attend Constructionline LIVE, you can access the event space from 9:00 a.m. on Tuesday, 28th November 2023.
No – you can come and go whenever you please throughout the day.
When logging into the conference space, click the 'Agenda' tab to discover the on-demand video's for you to watch at a time that suits you.
Our virtual conference, Constructionline LIVE, aims to provide you with updates on hot topics of the industry, including The Building Safety Act and platform developments, through live and on-demand webinars and discussions to help you and your business navigate these changes efficiently.
You can access these sessions on-demand within the event space for 30 days after Tuesday, 28th November 2023.